It's a wonderful day and I thank you for tuning into Crystal's Care Corner. I am a supercounselorwriter! I am a counselor because I care. It is important for me to brighten the corner where ever I can. So I am a writer and through this channel I brighten the corner by providing insights into various aspects of life events, including vocations, family, religion, and the over all human perspective.
In my new book, I peer into the life and day of a school counselor. Since I was a school counselor for 28 years, this just happens to be a topic of which I have first-hand knowledge. Advocacy has always come to me naturally, though at times, painfully. Read this book and be informed, and then be inspired! |
Think back to a time when you met with your middle or high school counselor. Write a brief summary of one of the most memorable sessions. Then send to my email: [email protected]. If I use your story in my next publication, I will list you as a contributor and send you a complimentary copy of the book. Please do not use the real names of people, places and things, so as to protect the innocent and those who which to remain private. I greatly appreciate your help in this regard. Also, don't hesitate to like my Facebook page: |
Book Talk & Book Signing
Clark Atlanta University Thomas E. Cole Research Center for Science and Technology |
The American School Counselor Conference
Phoenix, Arizona, Summer 2015 The book signing was tremendous and most enjoyable. I thank my friends Sonya Wright and Omar Wray for their beloved support. |